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In this series of CI & Psychology workshops we will explore the interactive relationship between two qualities - firmness and softness in dance and in life. 

This are qualities that we find in a dance and help us be more adaptable and flowing while staying activated and responsive. But are also important psychological qualities that help us be both empathic to ourselves and others while having clear sense of boundaries and focus.  


We will work with questions and explore the ripples of this questions in our bodies. 

How do this qualities relate to our way of being in this world? 

Where in the body we can welcome more softness or firmness and what happens if we do? 

What impact do this qualities have on our way of being with ourselves and with others? 

How is firmness and softness connected with resilience and vulnerability? 

What enlarges my sense of stability and safety while staying flexible and adaptive? 

How can this two qualities live inside of us without conflict but rather cooperation. 


The invitation for this workshops is to bring your own personal curiosity and openness to be surprised. It is a dance (contact improvisation) workshops that will have equal space for personal reflection and sharing in order to bring more awareness in our personal inner truths. 


We would like to invite listening in order to hear the truths that lay in our bodies. 

We will be gradually exploring this topic from somatic to more psychological perspectives and in the end exploring their coexistence and usefulness in life as in dance. 


Warm welcome




Workshops on Contact Improvisation and Psychology in Movement


Two workshops have emerged from the curious exploration of the intersection between psychology and contact improvisation. One workshop centers on CI technique, while the other delves into a deeper personal and psychological process. Both workshops delve into the theme of support, resilience, and empowerment through their unique perspectives.

The specificity of this approach lies in exploring the same theme from two different perspectives and levels of experience:

Physical somatic level through the technique of contact improvisation and its principles.
Theoretical aspects of psychology and Gestalt in connection with somatics.

Each workshop will individually explore the same content with the same focus. However, each will emphasize one of the mentioned perspectives, which we will interweave throughout.

It is recommended to attend both workshops, but you also have the option to attend just one.

How can these two approaches complement each other?

The technique of contact improvisation allows learning about principles supporting fluid movement and lifts. These principles resonate with various psychological themes and are applicable in life situations.

During the contact improvisation workshop, we will explore these movement elements through dance. In the psychology in movement workshop, we will explore them more personally and practically, relevant to our inner world and personal development.

Psychology in Movement:

In this workshop, we will use the technical elements of contact improvisation for our own inner exploration.
For example:
How to support others while allowing yourself to be supported without losing your own center of support.
What supports me while I support others?
Where do I draw my own strength and stability?
Can I offer support without draining myself?
Am I truly ready to accept support, and how do I know I am?

Contact Improvisation:
In this workshop, we will focus on principles and technical elements that aid in lifts.

What helps my body prepare for a lift? Do I really need to use my muscles? What if I don't?
How to lift safely to take care of myself and my partner?
How can I strengthen my readiness for lifts?
How can I support my partner who is lifting me?


Practical Information:
Psychology in Movement: April 7th, 16:00 - 20:00 (Plesni epicenter)
Contact Improvisation: April 21st, 14:00 - 18:00 (Studio Premik)

Individual workshop contribution:
Contact Improvisation: 40 EUR
Psychology in Movement: 50 EUR


Workshops will be led by Nayeli - Špela Peterlin, M.Sc. in Psychology, practicioner of Gestalt experiential psychotherapy, dancer, and researcher of contact improvisation.

Contact improvisation has been part of my life since 2016, quickly becoming my primary movement practice. In this form of dance, I found not only opportunities to explore my own movement potential but also very subtle gateways to the inner world. For me, Gestalt and CI have a highly complementary and inherently shared approach, each complementing the other in its unique way. In the workshops, we will explore this bridge and build our understanding through experience.


Špela Peterlin univ.dipl.psih.  

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© 2022 by Elu - Psihologija in Psihoterapija, Špela Peterlin 

Fotografije na strani: - Teja Blatnik© 

Čašice na strani : Izdelki Guillermo Escalante Art©

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